I waited, what felt like an eternity, for the phone call that would forever change my life. I was emotionally and financially invested in what would be the most meaningful event in my life – the adoption of my little boy.

The long journey was frustrating and the waiting was a real test of my endurance and patience.

But then, I got THE call and, I was required to act rather quickly. Drop job, my family, my friends, my life as I know it.

Believe it or not, I am a single mom and I flew to Bulgaria the first time, alone. Expecting to navigate in a foreign land about which I knew virtually nothing.

After a touchdown on Bulgarian soil, I could only hope that my street smarts, my intellectual wherewithal, and the good Lord would guide me rather than my emotions. But, like the poem, "Footprints in the Sand", there was ANIDO. During what could have been the most difficult, frustrating, and frightening experience in my life, ANIDO was there to carry me.

At the airport in Sofia, a member of the ANIDO family was waiting there and holding a sign with my name on it. Any anxiety I held with me began to diminish. With the exception of sleeping and some down time, ANIDO never left my side. They even made my hotel arrangements. Checking in on me at the hotel, escorting me to and from the orphanage (which was four hours away from Sofia), to all the required government and official appointments, and the endless paperwork. They treated me like family.

Three months later, I returned with my sister to pick up my son. Once again, ANIDO was by my side every step of the way. The founder and my legal representative, Nelly, is smart, knowledgeable, thorough, and understanding. Nadya, who accompanied us to all government meetings, is compassionate and nurturing. Krassi, my translator and escort, is witty, accomplished, and always made me feel safe. He even joined me on some historic sight-seeing excursions.

I am forever grateful to Nelly, to Nadya, to Krassi, to the team. I am blessed and honored to call them my friends. They had a tremendous impact on me and were a huge part of uniting and completing my family. I continue to remain indebted to them.

Today, Luke and I are flourishing. Our bond is strengthening, we are thriving as a family, and we are happy! I wouldn't have any of this without the support, commitment, and love from ANIDO, my Bulgarian family.


Lizanne C.,
United States of America

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Intercountry Adoption Council sessions

This section contains information on the referrals (proposals) made by the IAC. This is the body within the Bulgarian Ministry of Justice, which makes the referrals.

You made our dream come true - B. S. and M. van B., the Netherlands (NL)

Voorjaar 2012 kregen wij het mooiste bericht van ons leven. We mochten de ouders worden van een klein Bulgaars meisje, Stefania (Steffi). Ze heeft een moeilijke start gehad in haar leven en ze woont nu in de een kindertehuis in Sofia, wachtend op een papa en mama die haar thuisbrengen. We krijgen een fotootje te zien. We zien een klein meisje met bruine krullen en grote bruine ogen en ze is prachtig, de mooiste! Later blijkt: we hadden meteen hetzelfde gevoel. Zij is het, onze dochter en het had ook echt niemand anders kunnen zijn.

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