
ANIDO can mediate in the adoption of children with permanent residence in Bulgaria by persons whose permanent residence is in the Netherlands, Spain, Canada, the USA, Ireland, Finland, Norway, Austria and Denmark.

Children Awaiting Adoption

anido children awaiting adoption program

We believe that every child has the right to have a family where they can receive the best care and support.
We believe that every child may thrive and develop their best qualities if placed in a loving family.
Our efforts are focused in this direction – to improve the quality of life of the special needs children by identifying a family where they would feel loved and happy.

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The Netherlands

The Netherlands

Learn more about our international adoption program in the Netherlands. You can find basic information about the requirements and legal specifics of this country in the field of international adoption.

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Learn more about our international adoption program in Spain. You can find basic information about the requirements and legal specifics of this country in the field of international adoption.

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Learn more about our international adoption program in Italy. You can find basic information about the requirements and legal specifics of this country in the field of international adoption.

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Learn more about our international adoption program in Canada. You can find basic information about the requirements and legal specifics of this country in the field of international adoption.

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Learn more about our international adoption program in the USA. You can find basic information about the requirements and legal specifics of this country in the field of international adoption.

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IrelandLearn more about our international adoption program in Ireland. You can find basic information about the requirements and legal specifics of this country in the field of international adoption.

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FinlandLearn more about our international adoption program in Finland. You can find basic information about the requirements and legal specifics of this country in the field of international adoption.

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NorwayLearn more about our international adoption program in Norway. You can find basic information about the requirements and legal specifics of this country in the field of international adoption.

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AustriaLearn more about our international adoption program in Austria. You can find basic information about the requirements and legal specifics of this country in the field of international adoption.

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DenmarkLearn more about our international adoption program in Denmark. You can find basic information about the requirements and legal specifics of this country in the field of international adoption.

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Intercountry Adoption Council sessions

This section contains information on the referrals (proposals) made by the IAC. This is the body within the Bulgarian Ministry of Justice, which makes the referrals.

You made our dream come true - B. S. and M. van B., the Netherlands (NL)

Voorjaar 2012 kregen wij het mooiste bericht van ons leven. We mochten de ouders worden van een klein Bulgaars meisje, Stefania (Steffi). Ze heeft een moeilijke start gehad in haar leven en ze woont nu in de een kindertehuis in Sofia, wachtend op een papa en mama die haar thuisbrengen. We krijgen een fotootje te zien. We zien een klein meisje met bruine krullen en grote bruine ogen en ze is prachtig, de mooiste! Later blijkt: we hadden meteen hetzelfde gevoel. Zij is het, onze dochter en het had ook echt niemand anders kunnen zijn.

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