ANIDO Association was established as a non-profit legal body for pursuit of public benefit activities with a decision of its founders taken at the constituent assembly on 11th November 2003 in the city of Sofia.

ANIDO adoption As a result of this, on 2nd December 2003, ANIDO Association was entered into the register of the non-profit legal bodies at the Sofia City Court under company file No 11987/2003 and was established as a public benefit organization.

At the constituent assembly of the Association the Statutes, the goals, the means for achieving the goals as well as the association’s field of activity were also approved.

On 27th May 2004, ANIDO Association received a mediation permit for International Adoption by the Minister of Justice, after which was issued its first license No 34/27.05.2004, which was later renewed under No 70/28.06.2006.

In accordance with the new Family Code, effective since 1st October 2009, ANIDO Association received a new 5 year license No 101/15.03.2010. By virtue of this permit, ANIDO can mediate in the adoption of children with permanent residence in Bulgaria by persons whose permanent residence is in the Netherlands, Spain, Canada, the USA, Ireland, Finland, Norway, Austria and Denmark.

ANIDO received its new 5-year License No. 185/5 May 2020, valid till 12 May 2025 that permits the association to continue working with the countries: Spain, the Netherlands, Canada, Norway, Ireland, Austria, Finland, Denmark, USA,  Italy and Slovakia.

ANIDO has a collaboration agreement with partner organizations from the Netherlands (Stichting Kind en Toekomst), Spain (Ajuda’m and INICIATIVA PRO INFANCIA (IPI)), the USA (All Blessings International, Spence-Chapin Services to Families & Children, A Love Beyond Borders и Joshua Tree Adoptions), Canada (Sunrise Adoptions), Italy (Brutia Onlus) and Finland (Save the Children Finland). All these agencies are entirely trusted in their respective countries and have been working in the field of international adoption for many years.

The main goal of ANIDO Association is to provide protection, assistance and humanitarian aid to socially disadvantaged children in line with the principles underlying the UN Convention on the Rights of the Child from 20th November 1989, the international Hague Convention on Protection of Children and Co-operation in Respect of Intercountry Adoption from 29th May 1993 as well as with the rest of the international and national legislative acts, whose purpose is to protect the child’s personality and best interests.

The Association’s activities are directed towards the development and implementation of projects related with child protection; with improvement of the methods for raising and educating socially disadvantaged children; with establishing and maintaining relations with Bulgarian and international public, governmental and private organizations, including natural persons, in order to receive subsidies and aid for programs and activities for the protection and support of children, as well as towards raising funds in support of the well-being of children. We are also implementing activities related with mediation and assistance in intercountry adoption in compliance with the requirements of the international and national legislation, aiming to find the right solutions related with the placement of children deprived of parental care in a family setting.


Intercountry Adoption Council sessions

This section contains information on the referrals (proposals) made by the IAC. This is the body within the Bulgarian Ministry of Justice, which makes the referrals.

A letter of gratitude - B. O’D and N. O’D., Co Donegal, Ireland

We are writing to thank you and your team for all of the wonderful help and support that you and the Staff of Anido gave to us from the very beginning to the very end of our adoption process and while on our two trips to your country.

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